Hydroponic gardens grow plants without soil by absorbing the origins with solutions of nutrients dissolved in water. One of the benefits of this program is complete control of the mineral content, which can lead to higher crop yields. Most small-scale systems are water or aggregate culture systems that use a single container of mineral solution. The answer enriches the plant origins through one of several procedures and then drains back into the container. With time, the person mineral concentration within the solution varies as the plants take what they require. To return the answer to this desirable mineral content, you must completely change the hydroponic nutrient solution occasionally.

Remove the plant growing tray or bed from the hydroponic system.

Empty the used nutrient solution into a waste container.

Scrub the inside of the empty container with a brush to remove any residual nutrient deposits.

Wash the container with water to remove residual mineral deposits dislodged by scrubbing, and discard into the waste container.

Refill the hydroponic solution container with stock nutrient solution.

Place the plant growing tray or bed back into the hydroponic system.

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