An attractive ground cover with lacy foliage and small white flowers, sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum) is a perfect option for dense shade. Planting seeds sometimes propagate woodruff but this approach is usually unsuccessful. Propagating by division in autumn or spring is a surefire way to propagate this herb. Once proven with space to increase woodruff spreads and self-seeds easily.
Prepare a planting place that is shady . Spade the soil to a depth of 8 to 12″, then dig in 2 to 3″ of natural materials like compost, pine bark, leaf mould or decomposed animal waste.
Dig a portion of of a woodruff plant up. Dig seriously to protect as a lot of the root system as possible, ensuring each part has a clump of roots that are wholesome. Spot the divisions, in the event that you aren’t ready to plant and keep the roots moist.
Dig a hole in the location that is ready. Plant the sweet woodruff in the hole in the soil depth is pat and once was planted soil round the roots. Avoid planting too seriously, as burying the crown of the plant — the level where roots and the stem join — might smother the plant.
Water the plant seriously enough to saturate the roots soon after after planting. Water as required to keep the soil moist, but not soggy.