The others favor a more radiant look while some homeowners enjoy the appearance of fire-places. Unfortunately fireplaces aren’t usually stated in in colours that were vibrant. Consider painting your hearth that is concrete to coordinate with the decor of the room’s, making a seamless style. Or, paint-your hearth it to be transformed by a bolder colour to the focal point of the room’s.

Remove grease in the concrete and any current paint, using a scraper or a hard as well as TSP -bristled brush. Any paint chips, dirt or particles that drop onto the ground. Rinse the concrete and let it dry.

Repair broken areas of the concrete. Cover any holes with patches that are concrete in line with the directions of the manufacturer’s. Cracks with cement. To ensure they blend to the remaining concrete, smooth the edges. Let the cement treatment completely before priming as well as the patch dry.

Place a drop cloth on the ground. Sealer on the concrete, using a roller. Paint the concrete using a primer which is compatible with surfaces that are concrete. Apply two or three coats of primer required. Let the area dry completely between coats.

Apply paint using a brush for corners, particulars as well as a roller for huge areas and other difficult-to-reach places. Paint the concrete in two to four slim coats. Allow each coat to dry before applying the next one.