Granite is a tough, appealing stone which is commonly employed to make bathroom and kitchen sinks. Black or dark-coloured granite could form a white haze on the area from hard-water mineral deposits. A complete cleansing with detergent followed by a coat of mineral or olive oil-can eliminate haze, restore shine and protect your granite sink without harming the stone. Clean your granite sink once a week to keep it looking its finest.

Rinse the granite sink with water that is hot. Dampen a scrubbing pad that is non-abrasive and use 3 or 2 drops of dish detergent.

Scrub the granite sink with all the pad, focusing on on the places using the haze that is white.

Rinse the sink thoroughly.

Dry the sink using a cloth.

Apply one or two teaspoons of olive or mineral oil into a clean, dry cloth. Wipe the granite sink completely using the fabric. Allow it to sit for a moment buff the excess away using a clean area of the fabric to recover colour and sparkle.