Well-maintained wood furniture includes a soft sheen and supple feel, yet badly washed and cared-for pieces are the opposite: dry and cracking. Oil-based cleaning solutions eliminate grime and hydrate the furniture, while the application of shine aids in keeping the wood soft and smooth. Taking care of your wood furniture correctly prevents cracking, fading and other harm, ensuring you will enjoy your investment for years.

Gentle Cleaning

Dust furniture with a lightly dampened soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner and extra-soft brush attachment. This removes dirt and dust particles and guarantees that subsequent cleaning methods wll not push them into the wood grain or scratch the surface.

Mix a cleaning solution that works for your particular furniture. Dissolve 1 tablespoon gum turpentine and 2 tablespoons boiled linseed oil in 8 cups of very hot water. Instead, mix equal parts turpentine, white distilled vinegar and boiled linseed oil. Opt for a commercial wood cleaner in position of them if desired. Examine the solution — even store-bought products — at an inconspicuous area before proceeding.

Wash the furniture together with the solution of the choice. Put on gloves, dip a rag or nonabrasive sponge into the solution, and wring it out thoroughly. Wipe down a small section, buff the cleanser away with a clean, damp rag, and then buff with a dry rag. Repeat this process, working in sections, until the furniture is clean. This prevents the option from sitting too long in one place, and enables you to dry each section fast. Moisture sitting on timber promotes cracking, so quick drying is vital.

Employ a hydrating furniture shine to the surface of the timber after cleaning. Cleaning solutions containing linseed oil and many commercial timber cleaners have polishes constructed in; but some wood requires much more. Mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice extract with 4 cups mineral oil, or mix 1/2 cup all white distilled vinegar and lemon oil with 1 1/2 cups olive oil. Implement this to the timber, using a buffing movement, with a soft rag. Let the oil sit for 10 to 15 minutes and buff away the excess.

Dust furniture frequently with a damp, soft rag, at least once a week, to keep it clean. Polish the furniture just as required to keep it shiny and hydrated. Just wash hardwood furniture when it’s visibly dirty even after dusting, typically every few months.

Placement, Household Environment and Waxing

Avoid placing wood furniture in direct sunlight. The light and heat bleach the wood and cause it to dry out more rapidly than it needs to, prompting cracking.

Maintain an even level of humidity in your property. Extra humidity causes the wood to expand, even though a dry environment causes it to contract. This back and forth prompts cracking. Run a dehumidifier during the summer and a humidifier during the winter to maintain a consistent atmosphere.

Apply paste or liquid wax occasionally to return shine to wood furniture and create a protective barrier. Waxing too often creates accumulation, so only do this when conventional polishing doesn’t work. Liquid and paste wax do help to repel water and protect the timber from heat, but they are not a substitute for a protective, clear finish. Implement either product based on particular manufacturer directions. Paste wax usually needs a cloth, even though a cloth or brush works for fluid wax.

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