A mattress that got a little wet or stained may be reconditioned by cleaning and freshening it. Before you tackle the job, be sure that the mattress is worth saving and healthful to conserve if the mattress was submerged in water or covered in mould, it’s ideal for your health to discard it and purchase a new one.
When to Recondition a Mattress
In some cases — when the mattress is fairly new and the harm or wetness is limited to a small area — a bed is worth salvaging, for instance, if a baby or dog made a mess on the bed or even if a beverage spilled onto it. If the mattress was submerged in flood water, it ought not be reconditioned, since the water can contain toxins or germs that remain behind even following the mattress dries. A mattress covered in mould should also not be salvaged; the mold can cause or exacerbate health concerns.
Spills and Moisture-Based Problems
Act as quickly as possible when dealing with any kind of moisture affecting your mattress — the longer the liquid sits, the deeper it may travel in the mattress, resulting in potential bacteria or mould growth and lingering smells. Blot up the liquid when possible with paper towels or old absorbent towels, then swapping them regularly until no more moisture comes up. If the liquid is anything apart from clean water, wipe the area of the spill with a slightly damp sponge or cloth to help prevent stains and smells. For items that might result in odors or bacteria, like spilled glue, wipe the area again with a few drops of a mild dish soap combined into 2 cups of warm water, first wringing the majority of the moisture from the sponge or cloth. Wash the fabric, wipe the area again to remove soap residue, and blot any remaining moisture with fresh towels or paper towels. Pick out the bed outside or open the windows and turn on a fan or two to dry the bed before placing any bedding atop it.
Odor Issues
Sprinkle baking soda over a bed that smells less than brand new to help absorb and remove the odor; that may also be done after cleaning liquids. Vacuum up the baking soda after it stays for 20 to 30 minutes with an upholstery brush attachment. If the odor affects the sides or opposite side of the mattress, treat those areas as well, propping up or switching the bed to do so. If possible, set the mattress out to a dry, sunny day for at least a couple of hours to help the whole bed air out. This also can help remove inherent moisture the mattress absorbs while you sleep about it.
Easy Fix for the Uncomfortable Standard Mattress
If you have an old-fashioned innerspring bed, failure to rotate or flip it could make it feel a bit uncomfortable or cause it to prematurely wear out. Rotate the bed so the head area sits in the foot of the bed at least twice a year to keep it in top form. If your mattress may be reversed, flip it at least once every year to prolong its life and the degree of relaxation it gives. Do not turn a pillow-top or memory foam mattress, as these are designed not to be reversed.